Online Therapy
What is Telehealth or Telemedicine Therapy?
Telemedicine–Telehealth means the delivery of health care services through the use of interactive audio and video technology, permitting real-time communication between the patient at the originating site and the provider, for the purpose of diagnosis, consultation, or treatment.
Who can benefit from Online Therapy?
Online Therapy makes it easier and more convenient for patients of all ages to stay healthy and engaged in their health care. Patients love the convenience, flexibility and real-time care with their providers. Play Therapy and Behavioral Therapy is adaptable to online therapy and brings the therapy right into the patients life.
Is Online Therapy Secure and Confidential?
Not all platforms are HIPAA Compliant, so it’s important for you to ensure that this level of security is available by any Telehealth provider. Here at Child and Family Therapy, we utilize HIPAA Compliant and encrypted platform that secures our client whether we are using online connection or emailing information.
Does Insurance Cover Sessions?
Most insurance cover the sessions just as they would in person. Child and Family Therapy will review your insurance coverage and communicate with you about this on an individual basis.
What to expect from Child and Family Therapy?
The process of online therapy begins with an email address to send you an invitation for a session when the session is scheduled so you can download the Free App and accept the appointment. You will receive another reminder email the day of the session where you can use the email to log directly into the session (as long as you have the App downloaded). Clients are using all technology they have access to internet with including gaming systems to set up their session. Should internet connection fail, the therapist is available by phone to correct the errors and problem solve.